

Game Engine

Akel is a game engine made for fun. Currently at an early stage, it is still in development and needs more work to turn it into something

Akel logo

Akel is a game engine I’m currently making for fun. It is designed to be easy to use. Not being the most powerful, it goes the way of simplicity of use, both on the editor side and on the code side. It is implemented in C++ and uses Vulkan as it’s primary graphics API (a support for WebGPU is in development).

The purpose of the project is learning about game engine development, discovering new rendering processes (like PBR, deferred shading, …) and learning to use new tools (Vulkan, JoltPhysics, entt, ImGui, NZSL, …).

It is mainly coded on and for Linux but is cross-platform and has been tested on Windows (I didn’t have the occasion to test it on OS X yet).

Even though Akel can be used directly in C++ like an external library, it has an editor called Akel Studio which makes it easier to use. Developed using Dear ImGui, it has some already developed features like a scene renderer, a code editor and an ELTM editor (ELTM is a text management language I made for Akel).

Akel has supports for Lua scripting and shading using NZSL. It will have it’s own minimalistic shading language called Kila in the future but this is not my priority.